The purpose of our Sunday School groups is to educate our members using the Bible as our reference and Southern Baptist Sunday school resources. Sunday school groups provide a relaxed atmosphere in which members can learn, ask questions, share prayer concerns and fellowship together.
You will be greeted by someone who can direct you to the specific class that will meet your needs. We have a group for everyone!
Director: Marlin Seymore
Assistant Director: Kyle Carter
Delaney Joy: Martha Kaye Bridges
Light Seekers: James Carter, Carolyn Snuggs, Greg Hardin, Martha Kaye Bridges
Friends and Followers: Patsy Moretz, Scott Hamilton, Wade Chandler
Young Families: Luke Taylor, John Thrailkill
College and Career: Kaye Jones, Jordan & Mary Jackson Ousley, Becky Hardy
Youth: Trey Jones
3rd-5th Grade: Linda Thrailkill, PennyTatum, Megan Taylor, Teresa Chandler
K-2nd Grade:
Alternates/Substitutes: Brenda Atcheson, Kim Manley, Leslie Carter, Tanya Gillyard, Sherri Seymore
Light Seekers: James Carter, Carolyn Snuggs, Greg Hardin, Martha Kaye Bridges
Friends and Followers: Patsy Moretz, Scott Hamilton, Wade Chandler
Young Families: Luke Taylor, John Thrailkill
College and Career: Kaye Jones, Jordan & Mary Jackson Ousley, Becky Hardy
Youth: Trey Jones
3rd-5th Grade: Linda Thrailkill, PennyTatum, Megan Taylor, Teresa Chandler
K-2nd Grade:
Alternates/Substitutes: Brenda Atcheson, Kim Manley, Leslie Carter, Tanya Gillyard, Sherri Seymore