Click on the Photographs link under the History link to see pictures of the church from 1853 until the present time.


Historical Highlights of the
Autaugaville Baptist Church

Way back when the Baptist cause was young in the South, there was built a church on Davis Hill in the town of Vernon that was the beginning of the Autaugaville Baptist Church. 

Taken from the minutes of October 13, 1853:  “The Vernon Church met in conference at Autaugaville.  Dr. Moodie, moderator, opened a door for the reception of members and received John R. Sartor, Unity F. Sartor, William Sartor and Mary E. Sartor upon a letter of dismission from Concord Church, Macon County dated December 6, 1851 and signed Eli E. Haralson C. Clk. Pro. Tem. Thomas Cranberry moderator.  Also received four colored persons, the servants of Mr. Eli Robinson. Viz. George, Jacob, Washington and Joe.  All of which had been lately baptized by Elder John R. Sartor. Appointed J. D. Moodie and John R. Sartor delegates to the Autauga Association to be held with the Mount Hebron Church.  Agreed to send two dollars to the association. Resolved that we locate our church at Autaugaville.”

 At the Church Conference dated October 21, 1855, the church agreed to change the name of the same from Vernon to Autaugaville.

There were no services held from 1891 until October 1910.

On October 1, 1919, the following yearly Financial Statement was recorded as a report to the Association: 

     Pastor’s Salary

$ 79.83

     Church Repairs


     Church Minutes


     Home Missions


     Foreign Missions




On November 23, 1922, WMU was formed with 11 members.

In October 1926, a Sunday School was organized. Total membership at beginning of year was 21 with 2 joining by letter, 2 dismissed, 1 death.  Total membership at end of year was 20. The minutes of May 1921 reveal that one of the Sisters in the Church was withdrawn from membership by the Church for walking disorderly.

On September 12, 1937, services were held twice a month, the second and fourth Sunday.  This is also the first recording of a mid-week prayer service which was held on Thursday night.

On July 25,1943, the Autaugaville Baptist Church was declared to be a corporation under the laws of the State of Alabama.

In January 1946, built three new classrooms, remodeled church auditorium.

Joined the Autauga Association in September 1950.

On March 5, 1950, plans were made to build the Pastorium.

On August 3, 1952, Church voted to go full time under the leadership of Rev. Richard P. Reedy.

Beginning March 5, 1955, Built the Educational Building.

In October 1962, Old building was torn down and construction of a new Sanctuary began in November–Dedication held February 24, 1963.

September 23, 1973 – First bulletin published with picture of church on the cover.

Regular business meeting February 12, 1984, the church voted to call Rev. Garner V. Clark as full time Pastor and Betty Jo Clark as Youth Director.

Sunrise service held on March 30, 1986 with breakfast served at Autaugaville High School cafeteria, serving approximately 70 people.

New Fellowship Hall completed in July 1986.  Also included renovation of the Educational Building – 3 new classrooms, new carpet, 4 tables and 50 chairs. Total cost was $84,000.00 paid in full without borrowing any money.  Balance remaining in Building Fund was $6.44.

1st Homecoming – May 3, 1981 held with dinner following outside under the trees. Mrs. Eula Mae White was the first Homecoming Chairperson.

May 7, 1988 – New Church sign purchased and installed at a cost of $1,500.00 and paid from the Florence Motley Memorial Fund.

July 10, 1988 – 21 of our “Keenagers” shared a meal at the Catfish House in honor of Mrs. Eula Mae White’s third retirement at age 80.

May 14, 1989 – Minutes reflect the first report of the Baptist Young Women’s Organization in our church with seven present.

July 9, 1989 – Minutes recorded that our church library officially opened today and will be open each Sunday after worship services.

August 13, 1989 – Records indicate that the Baptist Young Women will begin a kitchen closet in our church to be used in case of emergency for needy families.

February 11, 1990 – Church approved purchase and installation of new fluorescent lights for our Sanctuary at a cost of $2500.00, also purchased a new heater for the Baptistry.

May 12, 1991 – It was reported that vinyl siding had been installed on outside trim of Sanctuary, including front columns.

July 14, 1991 – Keenagers reported performing their skit “Heaven and How to Get There” at the Autaugaville Methodist Church in July and Pratt Court Church in August.

April 13, 1992 – Church voted to repaint Church Sanctuary throughout, to replace ceiling in choir loft and purchase hanging mics for choir.

May 3, 1992 – Homecoming held with dinner following outside under a tent which was erected by the Brotherhood Men and others.

January 2001 – Tommy Bates was ordained as minister.

June 2002 – 34 men of church attended Promise Keepers in Atlanta.

July 2002 – Number of Deacons changed from seven active deacons to nine because of increase of families in church.

September 2002 – Church voted to construct new Fellowship Hall and other additions.

November 2002 – Our church won the high attendance award at the Discipleship Training Night at First Baptist Church – 3 consecutive years.

March 2003 – Received keys to new Fellowship Hall and other additions. It was completed in 6 months.  March 16 held dedication of new Fellowship Hall.  The cost was $300,000 which was paid off in a year.

April 2003 – The Joy Sunday School class volunteered to establish the Courtyard as a Prayer Garden for weddings, receptions, and other festivities.

June 2003 – Began Wednesday Night suppers for Church on the 1st Wednesday night of each month.

May 2005 – Church voted to purchase Visual Projection equipment for $27,000.00.

December 2005 – New digital Piano was purchased.

April 2006 – Church voted to hire a part-time youth minister.

May 2006 – Purchased new copier.

June 2006 – Sprinkler system installed in Prayer Garden by Terry Tanner.

October 2006 – Purchased new vacuum cleaner.

November 2006 – Church approved purchase of Johnson home and property for $120,000.00 with $5,000.00 being donated back to church. Church now owns the total block. Purchase completed in December 2006.

March 2007 – Long-Range Planning Committee recommended that the old pastorium be removed and replaced with parking spaces. A new lighted sign was purchased.

Since the last homecoming was celebrated in 2012: (1) the church sold the church van and purchased a new bus to transport members to activities, (2) Each year in early Spring, several members go on a mission trip to Camp Victory to work on a missions project, (3) The Lottie Moon and Annie Armstrong offering goal was exceeded each year. 

2015 – Will Dismukes, our Youth Pastor at the time, was ordained as a minister.

April 30, 2017 – Michael Gillyard was ordained as a minister.  

December 2018 – Alvin Bryant retired as Music Minister after 46 years of faithful service. 

January 2019 – Sister Leslie Carter began serving as Music Worship Leader.

July 2019 – Pastor: Dr. Garner V. Clark retired after 36 years of faithful service. (Those ordained as ministers under Bro. Clark included Tommy Bates, Will Dismukes, Will Moseley, and Michael Gillyard.)

In December 2019 – Bro. Michael Gillyard began serving as Pastor. (He had served as Interim Pastor after Dr. Clark’s retirement.)

In 2020 – The COVID 19 Virus entered the world, and many things were at a standstill for a while. After having only Sunday morning services for many months (masked and unmasked services), the Youth began meeting under the leadership of Bro. Trey Jones. 

February 21, 2021 – It was reported at the business meeting that plans were being made to re-open Children’s Church soon.